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Inbound Process of Housing 

CFAC Family Housing Service Center

Sailors stationed in Busan acquire housing through the Commander, Fleet Activities Chinhae (CFAC) Family Housing Service Center located on CFAC.

Service members will use the CFAC Family Housing Service Center. CFAC housing personnel can assist in preventing delays due to the language barrier and prevent complications such as a financial disputes or eviction. All housing units must be inspected and certified by a CFAC Housing Representative as adequate and the lease must be processed by the CFAC Family Housing Service Center.

The CFAC Family Housing Service Center helps service members find a rental in Busan that meets all the requirements as outlined in USFK Reg 210-51, USFK/CNIC Housing Referral Service Program. Safety(Property) inspections will be performed and a fair market price will be determined and agreed upon by the owners.

Busan has an abundance of modern apartments. However, there are still some differences from the U.S. standard such as size, electric voltage, no garage, etc. There are ample apartments all over Busan, well within the Overseas Housing Allowance limits, in popular areas including Haeundae, Yongho, Gwangali and Centum City.

All service members stationed in Busan will need to use the Household Goods Transportation office on USAG Daegu for inbound and outbound household goods shipping and receiving once housing has been secured. The office is located in Building T-1845 on Camp Henry in USAG Daegu at DSN: 315-768- 6794 (Inbound) and 315-768-6791 (Outbound). Please call to set up an appointment to discuss arrangements needed.

Once you are in the Republic of Korea, you will need to contact or stop by the CFAC Family Housing Service Center in Chinhae to be briefed on the Housing Referral Service program.

A CFAC representative will help you schedule appointments to look at apartments in Busan with a local realtor. Once you have found a home that you want, the CFAC Family Housing Service Center will inspect the property and negotiate the rental contract with the property landlord.

The CFAC Family Housing Service Center will assist the service member in completing the necessary paperwork and documentation. You will need:

  • Service member's PCS orders
  • Housing Application Form (DD Form 1746)
  • Sex Offender Policy Acknowledgement and
  • Disclosure Form (CNIC 11103/1)
  • Command Sponsorship for dependents


Civilian only:

  • TCS Order (DD Form 1614)
  • Transportation Agreement (DD Form 1617)


The CFAC Family Housing Service Center offers the following services for those moving to Busan:

  • Maintains an open referral system via realtors or landlords that ensures customers receive up-to-date information on nondiscriminatory rental properties.
  • Reviews and processes a landlord's rental contract with the service member before signing.
  • Processes the paperwork for a lease contract, Lease Agreement form, and the Overseas Housing Allowance.
  • Provides interpretation services in dealing with landlords.
  • Provides rental agreements in English and Korean.
  • Performs property and safety inspections.
  • Performs conflict resolution.


Temporary Lodging Allowance

While residing in temporary lodging in Busan, you will likely have to front-load some initial out of pocket expenses. 
You will receive Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) to cover those expenses, but it may take up to two months for you to receive that allowance. By spending your first few days in Chinhae, you will keep your lodging cost down as well. In either scenario, be prepared to incur debt for costs associated with arrival to Busan while finding a home. But don't worry, you will be reimbursed later through TLA.



Household Goods

All service members stationed in Busan will need to use the Household Goods Transportation office on USAG Daegu for inbound and outbound household goods shipping and receiving once housing has been secured. The office is located in Building T-1845 on Camp Henry in USAG Daegu at DSN: 315-763- 0716 and COMM: 0503-363-0716 (Inbound) and 315-763-0717 and COMM: 0503-363-0717 (Outbound). Please call to set up an appointment to discuss arrangements needed.

For more information, please see the CFAC Family Housing Service Center website at or call DSN: 315-763-5454, COMM from ROK 050-3363-5454 or Comm from US:011-82-0503-363-5454, Email: allowance or financial questions, please contact the CFAC Admin Department at DSN:315-763-8243 or at 315-763-5203.

The government allows only a certain percentage of your total weight allowance to be shipped as household goods to Korea. Please visit for more information on weight allowance. The remainder of your items will need to be placed in storage at government expense.

Necessary Documentation   

 The CFAC Family Housing Service Center will assist the service member in completing the necessary paperwork and documentation.

* Military Service Member*
- Service member’s PCS order
- Housing Application form (DD Form 1746)
- Sex Offender Policy Acknowledgement and Disclosure Form (CNIC 11103/1).
- Command Sponsorship for dependents if family members.
- Dependency Application Record of Emergency Data (NAVPERS 1070/602)

*DoD Civilian Member*
- TCS Order (DD Form 1614) or Transportation Agreement (DD Form 1617)
- Letter of Employment


Paying Rent

Service members pay the monthly rent in the local currency, the Korean won, to the realtor or landlord and should ask for a receipt for each transaction. Service members may also pay via wire transfer if they have or acquire a Korean bank account.

All high-rise apartments and villas (five-story) require service members to pay 'management fees,' which are the member's responsibility. These expenses normally appear on your monthly bill as Apartment/Villa Management Service Fee (Cleaning of common areas, use of elevators, access area lighting, security, and parking expenses) and Utilities (Electricity, water and sewer). Gas is located on another bill.

Apartment/Villa Management Service Fee vary according to the size of your chosen apartment. These varying charges must be paid with the 'Utilities Allowance.'


Internet/Cable tv(TV)/Satellite tv(TV)

In the Republic of Korea, internet and TV Cable line are packaged together and provided by your landlord unless otherwise stated in your lease. A cable box comes with your apartment.One wifi modem/router will be provided on the living room. If you need additional modem/router, you need to request to the realtors in advance and you need to pay extra fee. You also have the option of bringing or purchasing a high-speed modem/router of your own. Typical streaming programs (i.e. Netflix or Hulu) may not work properly or have the same access to content as in the U.S.


Loaner Furnishing Program

Eligible service members are authorized to available loaner furnishings for 90 days while waiting for their Household Goods. The CFAC Family Housing Service Center will process and schedule your furnishing request once your lease has been finalized. For more information, please contact the CFAC Family Housing Service Center at DSN: 315-763-5454 for accompanied and DSN: 315-763-5332 for unaccompanied.


What to Bring

Please visit for detailed information on military moving.

The Republic of Korea uses 220v power outlets (vs. 110v power in the US). U.S. military installations use standard U.S. 110v power outlets.

You will have four types of shipments for your PCS:

  • Hand Carried and Flight Checked Baggage.
  • Unaccompanied Baggage
  • Household Goods Shipment

CONUS Storage (Items normally kept in back yards, i.e. grill/patio furniture, and garage items, i.e. tool chests/ladders, are good candidates for CONUS storage)

As always, keep all your important documents and records with you as hand-carried baggage. Due to increased airport security, please check with your airline or visit or for more information on what is allowed in carry-on luggage.

For your checked baggage, remember to check your orders and confirm with your airline about the number of bags and the weight limit. Some suggested essentials are current seasonal clothes, comfortable shoes, personal entertainment, favorite snacks, and any car/ booster seats that you will need.

Your unaccompanied baggage or express shipment may be the only shipment you receive while you live in a hotel or temporary housing until your permanent housing is settled. Even if you move into your permanent housing right away, your household goods may not arrive for a few months. Consider sending the following items as unaccompanied baggage:

  • Kitchen & eating necessities, including plates, utensils, pots and pans
  • Towels (bath and kitchen)
  • Bed linens including blankets and pillows
  • Children's items, particularly their favorite games and toys
  • Baby crib, changing table, jogger stroller
  • Computer equipment
  • Small hand tools (hammer, screwdriver)
  • Lightweight decorations


Preparing for New Housing

All service members stationed in Chinhae or Busan need to in-process with the CFAC Family Housing Service Center within 48 hours of arrival or completion of in-processing.

Preparing for New Housing (Chinhae residents only)

Accompanied Sailors will be placed in military housing, based on availability. If appropriate housing is not available, families will live off post( off-base housing). There are many Korean realtors that can help families find off post housing( off-base housing).
Unaccompanied Sailors will normally live in one or two-person barracks on post (on-base housing)based upon rank. The Navy barracks were awarded the CEL A-list Award for the last 4 straight years.
Family housing and unaccompanied housing are available on base at Chinhae. The CFAC Housing Service Center will also assist where off-base housing is appropriate.
For more information on housing for Chinhae and Busan, please go to
CFAC Housing Eligibility (Chinhae residents only)

Eligibility for on-base housing is on a first come- first serve basis. If there is no availability on-base, the Housing Service Center (HSC) will arrange for you to move out in town. In addition, the HSC will assist you in locating adequate and affordable economy housing.
All military and civilian personnel must process their lease agreement with the Housing CFAC Family Service Center and are strongly encouraged to attend the O -Post Housing( off-base housing) Briefing prior to entering into a lease agreement.
Note: Only in the event of adequate quarters not being available will an unaccompanied service member be authorized to reside o -post. ( off-base housing)
Working with the CFAC Housing Office (Chinhae residents only)

The first step to moving to Busan is to make contact with the CFAC Family Housing Service Center through the Housing Early Application Tool (HEAT).
Navy Housing has developed HEAT to assist service members and their families in applying for housing Navy-wide. HEAT allows service members and their families to get the housing application process started online before or after they receive their Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders. HEAT creates an easy user experience to connect with your PCS destination. Spouses can use the application as well, needing only minimal information about their service member.
For more information about this program, please see the website at
CFAC Housing Options (Chinhae residents only)

If living on a military base is the preferred or only option for you and your family, service members and their command-sponsored dependents can apply for on-base housing at CFAC in Chinhae or U.S.
Army Garrison Daegu. Be aware that Chinhae is an approximately one and a half hour drive from Busan each way, without traffic, while Daegu is approximately 2 hours drive each way, without traffic.




Moves can be stressful. We’ve gathered some important information for you to ease the transition.

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